All Massage Techniques, Shiatsu, Tui Na, Integral Massage, Thai, Decontracting, Relaxing, Abdominal, Anti-cellulite, Osteopathy, Chiromassage, Thai Couple Ritual and many more.
YOGA, CHI KUNG, STRETCHING (MUSCLE STRETCHES), Pilates, Mindfulness, Meditation, Usui Reiki, Relaxation Techniques, Gong Baths, Tibetan Bowl Concerts, Basic and Advanced Thetahealing, Family Constellations, Nutrition, Tantra, and many more .. .
Natural and Biological Store, Natural Complements, Ecological Kitchen, Spiritual Instruments, Crystals, Incenses, and an endless number of other items.
Courses and Conferences of Usui Reiki, Massage, Organic Cuisine, Gong, Couching, etc.